Review by FinFan

Star Trek: Season 1

1x08 Miri

Now, is it just my imagination or was Kirk flirting with a minor ?

The most interesting part of this epsiode, the second Earth is never explained. It's just a throw-in. And how does a civilization on par with 1960s Earth posess such knowledge as to experiment with immortality on that level ? That would've been important to look into.

The rest of the episode is rather thin. The kids really are annoying and somehow I have my doubts that they even would behave that childish if they are 300 years old. As it stands the plot implies that a human cannot learn by himself if no one is around to teach him. And Kirk said it himself - kids want to be told. They need the guidance of grown ups. In any case those kind of stories have the flaw that you know a death threat to the main cast bears little weight. And Janice being proud that she could make Kirk look at her legs....yes, it's the 60s.

I liked Kim Darby who played really well and of course she was way older than the character she portrayed. I don't think the studio would have gone for an actual teen with Shatner. The Grups makeup was well made. Sure, on HD it looks cheap but on a 60s TV set this must have looked very real.

Intrestingly both red-shirts survived. Must be one of the only times.

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