Star Trek, for me, is more than just another TV show. I have certain expectations when I watch it. And maybe I'm to blame for that.

I listen to the dialogue carefully, trying to find clues as to what the story will be. Looking for some hidden information that might lead me to what the writers are up to when they throw in some references. I have discussions with my fellow Trek friends and we exchange our ideas, throwing back and forth concepts of what might happen next. Talking about the decissions made by the characters and the issues shown. And even for decade old episodes we still find new ways to look at them despite having talked about it at length.

But this isn't that kind of Star Trek any more. This isn't multi layered and deep story telling. It's blunt and in your face. Many things spoken of in dialogue are just that - things spoken. With no double meaning. It tries to grap attention with shocking revelations instead of delivering a silent message that you need to work out and understand. They throw in a lot of stuff not needed for the main plot just so everyone has something to do. As much as I like some of the characters, given the choice, I would scratch them completely to go on with the important stuff.

There are a couple of minutes in some episodes that I liked but they never really go through with it. Maybe someday someone does an edit removing all the ballast.

Just so we understand each other, I do critisize older Star Trek episode as well if I feel the need to. I have critized a whole show for that matter. So it's not that I dismiss this just because it's new. But I don't feel the writers seem to care or acknowledge the past stories. They are screwing facts around from those early shows to make their new ideas work. They don't think about if it makes sense. And that I don't like.

Now I'm faced with a difficult decision knowing there is another season coming with characters I hold dear. And I'm afraid they will do the same to them, turning them into something they are not.

But I know that ultimately my curiosity will get the best of me.

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