I have a couple of things to say.
1. If anyone had told me Ruth and Pike would be getting it on... I would have laughed so hard. These two are an odd couple and yet it works.
2. I very much get that Alex has a soft spot for Wilford. He kind of looked over her like a father.
3. Good for Roche getting back at Wilford. I get it. Wilford killed his wife and Roche never got to say goodbye.
4. Zarah... ughhhhhh! If it wasn't for that baby I truly think Layton would've been with our badass ice woman Josie.
5. WHY is nobody looking after Javi? He has been through a very traumatic experience and they just leave him there by himself. Not once has anyone asked 'hey man, you good?' they just order him around like nothing happened. :(
And 6. I am so happy to see Melanie again. Yes it's just a figment of Alex's imagination but still. She is missed.

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