There's talk whether Trelane is a Q or not amongst fans. Well, although there are similarities in his behavior, I don't think so. Not only because no one back then had the slightest idea what a Q is (other then a letter of the alphabet of course). No - Trelane needed machines to do the things he did. There is technology involved whereas Q just has power to do things. Yes, yes, there could be tech involved, too. We've never seen it, we can't be sure, yadda yadda yadda. But honestly, that's just making arguments to support a theory.

As for the episode itself I like it, too. Trelane is a bored child with to much power that is neglected by his parents. And the points he makes about humans and their hirachies or their lust for war, are at least not wrong. And, like I mentioned before, why not having a bit of fun in the episodes every now and then ? Characters like Trelane add a bit of color to the palette.

And Campbell's performance was really great. I've been noticing more and more how good the gueststars were.

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