i LOVE the resemblances to the comics. the costumes, the shots, the colors are very "marvel comics", i love this. the "hulk" part of the story is my favorite of the show till now. this animation's hulk is THE BEST hulk, hands down. the "hawkeye and black widow" part are not that interesting to me (like the other stories the show has brought). i like natasha more in the mcu, even if the animation's one seems more faithful to the classic comics natasha. i could say the same for almost all characters till now: nick fury, hill, thor, loki, jane, tony, pepper... i like them more in the MCU, but here they have more of the pre-MCU comics, which is good. this hawkeye is a exception. he also resembles the comics one, but that makes him so much more interesting. jeremy renner wasn't a good choice, kevin feige.

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