Review by FinFan

The feminists of today must have a field day with this episode. And that is also my biggest critique. A genetically enhanced super-human needs a, from his perspective, weak woman to accomplish his goals. Lot's of things in this episode that make little sense. But I'm willing to sweep it under the carpet of the 60s TV landscape and way of storytelling.

Nobody knew back then knew that this would be the basis for the second Star Trek movie. If you discount that fact the episode itself is good but not great. Montalban is great (althought he is even better in the movie) and he displays the arrogance you would assume someone like Khan must have. What Khan definately is lacking is knowledge of people. He's dumdfounded that no one is willing to join him and can't understand the motivation behind it. He doesn't understand loyalty and how could he? Someone like him demands, he gives orders. He doesn't inspire his followers by example but rather by fear. And my guess is the writer wanted to show how you can defeat such a dictator. By building a united front against him. It's a bit of a romatic notion, but I'll take it.

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