Shout by FinFan

If you hadn't known, the shot of the empty bridge was used for the TNG episode "Relics" as it is the only time where no one was on it.

Otherwise a really obvious jab at the hippie culture of the time. Kirks comments and even Sandoval's realization towards the end that they accomplished nothing was clearly meant to show that being happy all the time doesn't solve anything.

I always like it when the show goes on location. In this case the seem to be using a set from some western show or movie althought I couldn't say which.

The script gives Spock a chance to act out of character which is fun to watch. And they found a way to give him the romance for once. When he acknowledges that his duty and loyalty towards the Enterprise and Kirk can be purgatory, albeit self made, is about as emotional a response as you can expect from Spock.

Kirk's monologue on the bridge shows us again deeper parts of his charcter but where did that plant come from ? There is non to see the whole time on the wider shots.

A little nitpicking, please forgive me.

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