I actually didn't mind Leia this episode, though I'd still like there to be less of her in the show. I'm also really really really hoping that Reva doesn't turn against the Empire - I've had the feeling since the beginning that she would, and I just really don't want that to happen. I don't really like her character and plotline as is, and turning her good would just be a predictable mess.

We finally got some Vader/Kenobi stuff, which is the reason most of us are probably watching this show/were hyped for it. The scene of Vader walking through the town and killing people was great, but I found the actual confrontation between Vader and Obi-Wan to be rather underwhelming (although it was certainly pretty to look at). Regardless, this was definitely the best episode yet, and I hope it continues this way.

I'd like to give it an 8/10, but dumb stuff like Reva managing to get ahead of Leia without any rational explanation prevent me from giving it higher than a 7.

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@ragreynolds Well, I actually think Reva turning is exactly what will happen.
The Grand Inquisitor is male in Rebels if I remember correctly. And she's not among them anyway. OK, you could probably come up with a dozen explanations for that second fact. Still, knowing Disney we'll need a character turning from bad to good and she's the likely candidate.
