Shout by KingKon_NL

Mad Max: Fury Road 2015

High on action low on story, that's how I'd describe Mad Max: Fury Road. I was never a fan of the original movies and that didn't change with this reboot. Throwing together all kinds of crazy characters and them having them say the most ridiculous lines doesn't make a good movie. How some of the actors could say some of these lines with a straight face is beyond me. "He's a crazy smeg who eats schlanger!" What?!
The Mad Max universe is a post-apocalyptic world that's just too much and has no clear direction. It tries too hard.

And what's up with naming the movie Mad Max and then placing the focus on somebody else? Tom Hardy as Mad Max literally mumbles his way through a few lines in the entire movie and the rest of the dialog goes to Charlize Theron's character Furiosa. The title character is just along for the ride is someone else's movie.
A movie that has some (the CGI is shockingly bad for todays standards) great (physical) special effects, but lacks a story.

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