Shout by FinFan

That's really not a bad episode. Not a moral tale about mankind but just some good sci fi. Interesting idea with the single cell organisms. What they did to the hosts they took over reminds me of the parasites we had in the TNG episode "Conspiracy". I often wonder if at least some of the ideas in later shows were influenced by the classic show.
Another strong outing from Nimoy, too. And a very good look at the relationship between Kirk, Spock and McCoy. Throwing in Kirks brother and his family as little more than a side note was a bit dissapointing. Should have gotten more out of that fact.

One thing that is a little bit funny are the sucking and, dare I say, farting noices those creatures made. But that's the stuff you have to live with and the stroy isn't hurt too much by it.

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