Shout by Alexander von Limberg

Star Trek: Season 1

1x13 The Conscience of the King

The story ain't even bad. Kirk is painful to watch, though. I don't blame the actor, but does he always needs to womanize? Does Kirk always needs to be that stubborn? Not telling his crew what's going on? He's a liability to the ship. And his idea of hands-on justice isn't representative for a future justice system I hope. Arrest him, let the authorities and justice decide his faith.

And do women always need to signal their sexual desire in such an apparent way? And do women always need to resemble Playboy bunnies? And do they always need to be emotion-driven and crazy insane (while men are composed and reasonable)? I mean, it's the 60's and standards were different but this show was never a champion of women's rights ....

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