Review by Ragnar Lothbrok

The Orville: Season 3

3x02 Shadow Realms

Oh man, all this is such a lazy bad writing... so they're going into an unknown potentially dangerous place. And the alien race warns them specifically saying that is a very dangerous place indeed. They come there and who goes into the recon mission? The admiral, the captain of the whole ship, the first hand, the main doctor, the main engineer - so, all the "head" of the ship. So if something happens the whole ship has nobody to command. It's an official union explorer ship with hundreds of people on board and they have no exploration team who goes first at all. Okay, even if I can forgive them that stupidity for the sake of tv-show excuse to show the main characters more often. But what's next?
Do they go into this dangerous place in space suits with weapons? Of course no, they go just like that and admiral literally put his face into some weird looking bio-thingy. It's like Space 101 of what not to do. Of course he gets infected, of course he's a trojan horse. They don't even secure him anyhow, just walk and go, do whatever, infect others. Then we going to spread around the ship while having no weapons at all, because why would we, we're going to have them for a minute at the end of the episode otherwise no thrilling moments.
If you think you already seen all of that somewhere but in a much less stupid way - you are right, the episode of Firefly had exactly this, but much more logical.

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@ragnarlothbrok I guess this is where we have to remind ourselves that Orville is, first and foremost an homage and send-up of 'trek style shows. That they'd wind up falling into tired old tropes and making strange plot decisions seems to be absolutely in line with that.

I loved how everyone easily identified the Krill last season as seeming to be inspiried by SG:Atlantis' Wraith species. And now they have their own sub-wraith boogeyman in their own back yard seemingly pulled from the original XCOM's Chryssalid species. Layers upon layers of references and tropes. It's "bad" but it's why we enjoy it. :D

@beetlecat One of the issues is that Orville started as a comedy show, sort of a funny version of Star Trek, and it was great. But now there is no comic/sarcasm/irony element to it at all, at least so far in season 3. And as a serious show it doesn't hold up on some levels.

@ragnarlothbrok It's definitely toned way down from the first season. Far fewer "dick jokes" and outright humor, but it's still there. We got a "may the force be with you" in this one, plus there's still the active storyline that the dr. is in a romantic/physical relationship with the robot guy. Far less slapstick, for sure.
