many old clichés in this! The old, "If there's any part of you/humanity left inside that alien lifeform you've just become..." I've always hated that line when it's uttered in the alien body takeover scenarios. This episode did a lot of explaining when it really didn't need to. Of course we know the Krill will interpret things through their "religion" or belief system and of course we humans will think them primitive in this way of thinking. Thus, the writers chose to explain all this every step of the way (DNA being altered = possession by evil)...UGH. I was sad that the new crew member, the xenophobic new one, didn't get infected by the aliens. I really don't think she adds anything to this season...I hope she gets left on a planet or sucked out of an air lock...Unfortunately, I think she's gonna end up hooking up with a crew member or two.

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@scifygirl don't forget to mark your comment as spoiler ;)

@ahmedhamdy2121 thanks for the reminder. Will do! :)
