How do we go from that incredible third episode to this incompetent piece of trash? They just took ep 2 and put it in a different skin. The last episode was the first time Obi-Wan has encountered Anakin in literally 10 years. Still, instead of giving us an interesting dive into Obi-Wan's psyche after facing his greatest failure, they give us this shit. Having Obi-Wan shrug off his injuries, glazing over that whole encounter like it never even happened, and having him sneak in and out of the Inquisitor base where apparently no one is doing their goddamn job. Stormtroopers who clearly have him in their line of sight, watch him hide in a hallway but walk past, the woman helping him talking through their plan step-by-step in a room literally FILLED with other Imperial officers and leaving another officer unconscious 5 feet away. But the biggest piece of Scooby-Doo level chicanery is having Obi-Wan and Leia pull a 2 kids 1 trenchcoat as they attempt to leave the base while walking passed dozens of Stormtroopers and officers. What the fuck am I watching? This is just as asinine as the chase scene from episode 1 except it was a whole 30-minute episode.

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