Why in the hell would you go to a new area of space onto a new station like ship and not have on your protection suits :joy: that space exploration 101 . The Admiral clearly didn’t see the movie Alien in the archives, who sticks there face in a unknown object with no protection

And then you know he got exposed to something and you as a doctor is touching him with you bare hands :man_facepalming_tone3: you would almost forget these people are in the far future from now you’d think humans would smarting up and use there common sense more but i guess thats too much to ask.

Let me go secret the hallways with no weapon

So the power goes out and that means that the whole ship crew are just missing? No one is walking the halls?

So if you now know that the creature spits stuff on you to change you your next step should be the wear a suit for protection. Such lazy writing, this whole episode could have been solved with Suits for all applications lol

WHERE ARE THE DAMN WEAPON!!!! your telling you dont have weapons that dont use power as a source onboard

How did he turn on the force field and had enough time to jump inside of it.

How about you kill the these instead of knocking them out 47 times :man_facepalming_tone3:

Issac making on get away instead of protecting the crew is so stupid, whats the point of him being there then

58 mins in before we see ONE weapon

Good guys never learn, lets let them go so they can regroup and come back to have more casualties later on

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