I like the cold open. Seven and B'Elanna fighting is priceless. I like Seven and the Doctor. That's not really a surprise. They are both great. But chosing Shmullus - above all persons aboard - as a pick-up, flirt and sex educator turns absurdity level all the way up to 11. If it weren't a family show, I'd have expected the Doctor to hold an awkward TED talk about the intricacies of sexual intercourse. That would have been hilarious. But it's a funny episode anyway. But it's not just a comic relief: it really builds characters. Seven again showing her vulnerable and delicate side. I guess she wants to fit in and wants to explore her human side and the holographic Doctor seems to be the only confidant she has aboard. Two "artificial" Frankensteins partner to find love. Needless to say that Seven (and the Doctor) causes havoc on this space faring love boat. But I can also relate to the doctor. He's growing and clearly exceeds the limits of his design. They are both lonely I guess.

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