Review by Theo Kallström

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1

1x05 Part V


:heart:95% :thumbsup:21 :thumbsdown:1 = Masterpiece!

The penultimate episode of the series feels like a great mix of emotional development, proper Star Wars action and narrative beats that set up what is surely going to be an epic finale!

We finally get a good grasp of Hayden Christensen's return to the role that made him famous - and he seems to slip back into the padawan-era Anakin with relative ease, without walking down the annoying brat route he was maligned for in Attack of the Clones.

I'm happy to see Kumal Nanjiani back in the fold, as he brings some light comic relief into these ever-darkening times.

Moses Ingram is great yet again and taps into Reeva's trauma and past experiences in her performance. I'm happy this episode handles her experiences surviving Order 66 and witnessing Anakin's slaughter - and how she transfers those negative feelings onto Ben. I particularly like her conversations with Ben and how Ben brings out something of a manipulative side to try to win Reeva over.

I do wish Tala had made it out of the episode, as I feel she was just becoming a great character before she was killed.

This show continues to grow in intensity thanks to the Empire's ever-growing presence and the growing unease between Ben and Vader. The attack on the base that we see here feels a bit like the rebel base attacks seen in the original trilogy, such as the Hoth base attack, but his one has more finesse in it through the character interactions. The ensuing battle is truly intense and shows the overwhelming strength of the young Empire at this point. Vader's angry fit as he pulls the spaceship back down and rips it apart is epic! And the battle between him and Reeva is even more epic! WHAT IS THIS SHOW DOING TO ME, AAAAHHH!!

Only minor wrinkles around Hayden Christensen's eyes in the opening scene tell us that this look back (to somewhere around Attack of the Clones) has been shot now and not twenty years ago! It's an incredibly made scene, and we return to it a couple of times.

this episode alone is probably the greatest Star Wars we've had since Disney bought the package!

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