Aren't lightsabers supposed to be these super rare weapons? Yet, this bunch of rag-tag farmers have a whole case just laying about?

The plot points of this entire show are soooo simplistic, it's embarrassing: A door needs to be opened? Meh, let's just have it open and shut by itself, no need to explain. The little robot has been hacked? Meh, just pull a little magnet off it and it's back to normal. The little robot destroyed the main hatch controls, oh and what's that, it'll take you 4-5h to fix? Meh, just send in the 10 year-old actual princess with a Philip's screwdriver, she'll get it done in under 20min. Vader can pull ships right out of the sky and tear them apart like paper? Meh, just hide another massive 20-ton ship behind the first one, and pretend this one can take-off faster than the first, so it can safely get away .

Barely an inconvenience.

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