Review by Alexander von Limberg

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1

1x05 Part V

It's not totally bad. I like the emotional aspects of this episode. It's a bit too much Hollywood for my taste but it's okay-ish. I like the depiction of the relations between Vader, the Sister and Obi-Wan. You understand their character. I like the fact that Vader had a well devised plan after all. Ultimately it failed because the rebels escaped but it was a good plan to toy with her nonetheless.

It's all good and fine until the fighting starts. Presumably they have thousands of troops aboard the imperial ship and they send this this sad bunch of guys? That's underwhelming indeed. They shoot, but don't aim. They fire from 60 feet away but they don't hit. It's like the writers want to feed the countless memes about stupid imperial soldiers. Initially they don't even use the sword to breach the door - although that seemed to be the easiest option. They only send 100 or so warriors. Is that all they got? Why not send 1000? Why don't they place canons atop the shelter in order to block the only exit? That's not how "surrounding" and "traps" work. And Disney can't stop being Disney: they feature that adorable kid instead of blood or mutilations. Is streaming turning into TV? I thought, that's why we had streaming: Produce edgy material and show the innocuous family stuff on TV.

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@alexlimberg what do you mean too Hollywood? Star Wars is pure Hollywood!

@the_argentinian I'm specifically referring to the depiction of emotions. It's all a bit too polished, too calculated and too histrionic. But that's of course a very personal view. Depending on your personal background, you will see that very different.
