I get that sometimes characters in a story need to make illogical decisions so the plot can move forward, but that needs to be balanced with some characters making logical decisions. Not a thing that happened this episode made sense.

And why are the rebels all a bunch of helpless women and wimpy men? How are they a threat to the empire? If you have a grenade, why not throw it at the bad guys? Why can no one in this universe fire a weapon from cover? Why exactly are so many people gathered together in a big empty building? Why did no one this episode care about precious Wade? Why did they even go this this place instead of going directly to Alderon? If you want to kill Darth Vader and have been around him for years, just poison his food. I'm assuming he has to occasionally eat.

I'm at the point now where I miss the writing of Boba Fett and his teenage vespa street gang.

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