At first I thought this would be The Orville's take on "Hotel Royale" from TNG. Maybe that was an intentional deception. After the plane crash I had it figured out they were experiencing their own death in some kind of "this is how I fear I die" szenario. But I thought it was the Kaylons who wanted to know about dying since they were mentioned at the beginning. Another cool deception. Never in a million years would I've figured out what's really going on and the confusion when the real Tala appeared was genuine on my side. Well done.

It's great that they are picking up stories from previous seasons as it helps build the universe. It was also intresting to see each version of death szenario. That gives each character more background. I wonder though why Tala's and Kelly's were connected. Kelly afraid of drowing and Tala fears loosing a crewmember and/or friend ?

But Charlie is a b**** in real life AND in simulated realities.

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