As a standalone movie - yet still completely in the transition line as the Ip Man stories - I found this to be an exceptional movie. Max Zhang is VERY watchable in his role here (NOTE It's just a personal preference, but I highly recommend watching all these movies in their original Cantonese language, with English subtitles. The few minutes I tried watch the English overdubs, it was awful and completely took away from the story itself. You deserve to hear the actors' natural voices, inflections, etc.) and the story, although it has nothing to do with Ip Man, is a great martial-arts fighting movie. There were admittedly some scenes that were a bit over-the-top for my personal liking (thinking in particular of one scene where you could've mistaken Cheung Tin-Chi for The Amazing Spiderman LOL ) but overall, the fight scenes were well-done. This is not a Ip Man/Donnie Yen movie, so you have to approach this knowing that about it, but it only took a short while into it for me to be completely engrossed and by the end of it, I realized I had stumbled onto one of those rare gems that so often get skipped over because the poster art is heavily foreign, or it's a foreign-language film, or it's loaded with foreign actors' names that we don't recognize. For fans of martials arts movies, this one definitely deserves a look; I'm adding this one right along to the list of the other Ip Man movies that I've watched more than once, because I'll definitely want to watch this one again. Highly recommended!

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