The best episode of the season? I think so. More emotion and less bad writing made for a great episode. The inevitable battle surpassed my expectations. Going into it I thought it'd be a silly unbelievable battle, and the ending did live up to that, but overall it was great. The FX and dialogue was perfect for once and delivered and left me wanting for more which is a good thing.

I'm still left confused with The Third Sister and the point in her attacking only to just leave everyone traumatised and everyone being ok with that. I did think she had much more depth to her this episode and the last, which is great for her and the character but more was needed to salvage the character. I feel that actress has a lot more to give but I guess the script didn't offer it which reflects bad on her even though it shouldn't.

Lia was in this far less but when on screen it meant something unlike the last episode. Great interactions and good acting made her moments very emotional and perfectly acted and directed.

Before this episode I was ok with it being over but now I'm left wanting more which is great. Hopefully they have learnt from this season and if they make more it'll be good and better than this season.

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