Why does the imperial cruiser break the chase, when it has plenty of ships on board to pursue Obi-Wan's single craft?
Did Vader really need to take the imperial cruiser with him, to then leave it behind to go alone after Obi-Wan?
Why Vader doesn't even bother to check Obi-Wan is really dead, after all the trouble he has taken to hunt him down? He just turns his back and walks out? He is able to detect Obi-Wan's presence hundreds or thousands of kilometres away fleeing onboard a ship, but can't tell he is alive under a pile of rocks right next to him?
Why should Obi-Wan leave Vader alive after defeating him and confirming there is nothing left of Anakin, only a Jedi mass murderer and a danger to the entire galaxy stands before him? Why make this mistake a second time?
Am I really supposed to believe after watching this series that Vader/Anakin was the chosen one? He is ridiculed and portrayed as a fool that would struggle to pass a basic IQ test, not to mention all those tactical errors (aren't combat and command amongst the many subjects jedis were proficient at?). Vader deserved much better.

It beggars belief, and takes viewers for complete mugs.

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