Review by Shubes

The Foreigner 2003

Probably the first Steven Seagal movie that just flat-out sucked, as far as my personal taste goes. It's the first of the "fat Seagal" movies (meh, there were a couple earlier ones where he wasn't as lean as Above the Law but he still showed some moves in those), and here, he's just embarrassing. There are no real "fight" scenes to speak of, and the couple of hand-to-hand scenes are so ridiculously edited that it would be laughable if it weren't so sad. This dude who kicked major butt in his first few movies has turned into a bloated turd that has to rely on enhanced video editing to even make it look like he can throw a punch…and even that doesn't help much. As if that weren't reason enough to skip this one, the storyline is so confusing, disjointed, and hard to follow that - even after watching it twice in a row (I literally fell asleep the first time) - I still have no idea who did what, when, how, or why. I'm currently on a mission to watch all of Seagal's movies in the order of release date and to date, this is unquestionably the WORST I've seen from him. His character was completely devoid of any personality; heck, his Polish counterpart was more of an interesting character in this movie and he was (supposedly) the "bad guy"! About the only thing they got right in this one was....wait... no, come to think of it, there was NOTHING right about this one. If you're a Seagal fan, do yourself a tremendous favor and don't waste your time on this one. I watched it so you don't have to...and I won't ever again, either. Absolutely awful.

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