+Anakin training scenes are fitting and fantastic
+Obi Wan urging the betrayal of the Inquisitor fit well with what she's already done and how the Jedi are actually supposed to fight and act. Vader being blinded by his rage/need to win was also a really nice touch, we are reminded why he lost to the master of the high ground. However it made no sense why she would let Obi Wan just walk back into the base.
+I liked Leia's role in this episode, it fit what they are building her into very well.
+Vader showing how strong he is against the Third sister and clowning on her just like Obi Wan clowned on him in the training and awakening her trauma was great. (Although tbh he should've choked her ass out like 3 episodes ago)

-Tala's confession about killing children that were force sensitive came at a really awkward moment with no lead up or reasoning. This should have been something saved for later, it ended up having a very dull impact. Then they threw her character away in a clumsy way too. I thought her character was one of the few interesting ones, huge waste to throw her away this early
- the thought of Anakin not knowing that the Third sister was faking death while he is literally the one cutting through the children in the Jedi temple is insane and that this leads up to her joining him without any mention of brainwashing or being forced to be a child/slave soldier. Like it would've been so easy to give her a realistic story but they just chose not to. IDK I guess it fits with how big of a fucking idiot she is but come on.
-Tone was inappropriate at times. Star Wars always mixes in the levity with the struggle but they are always during periods of relief, not in the middle of the fight. This one doesn't follow that during many serious sections.
-What is it with the new ones and their dumb ass "sad" droid deaths lmao? it wasn't sad in Solo and it's not sad now. They can literally be rebuilt whenever and even if it was fucking R2-D2 or C3P0 who the audience actually knows well it still wouldn't be sad.

I know this comes off as kind of negative but the negatives were more mid-level bad things and the positive bits were very positive. Definitely had the best moments in the series so far.

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