Review by Dity

Minions 2015

I went to see this despite all the hate the Minion characters receive online, and guess what? I had fun. It was a super lighthearted origin movie with a lot of loveable characters. I'd wager it to be a definite watch just for Scarlett Overkill alone, actually.

While I didn't super enjoy the original Despicable Me (and as such haven't seen the second film), I did enjoy this one more than that. At some points I felt myself beginning to chuckle and I'd instantly think "no, I shouldn't". But why, because some easily annoyed and ready-to-hate individuals on the internet might think I'm stupid for doing so? Screw those people. After resolving that in my head I ended up laughing quite a bit for the second half of the film. In a way, the characters getting mad at the Minions for just being Minions was as amusing as watching people blow up about them in real life. But, I guess that's expected of some silly little yellow creachers attracted to smug villains who want them to do things so obviously above them. The blow ups about the Minions in the movie were hilarious and seeing peoppe get frustrated at them were definitely some of the highlight moments - more-so than any of the slapstick hijinks.

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