This could have been a great episode. Flint is one of the most interesting characters Star Trek has created and the mystery surrounding him should have been the story. Than there is the part about an AI evolving feelings. Again in itself not a bad starting point for any sci fi show. I even would have gone for the concept as love as a trigger for that. But here comes the "could have" part into play.

It is too much to ask from me as the viewer to accept Kirk to madly fall in love with her within hours. Oh, I don't dispute those things can happen. I know they do. But with Kirk ? The guy has a different woman in every third episode.

And if you want to talk about something, why not talk about it why it matters if she's human or an android. If he fell in love with her the way she was, what does it matter ? There is a topic worth discovering. Suddenly he can't love her because of her status. Until he accepts her as being human again. Kirk then yelling at Spock to "stay out of it, we fight for a woman" is one of the low points of the show.

But the most blatant display of convenient writing came at the end when Spock erases the memory of Rayna from a sleeping Kirk and tells him to "forget".

That's the straw that broke the camel's back.

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