Review by nicky2910

Okay, there's so much to love about this episode - and honestly that outweighs some of the more questionable events, that it still earns a close to perfect mark:

  • Obi-Wan making peace with Anakin's "death" - from a certain point of view.
  • the fight... and still, Obi-Wan can't kill Anakin/Vader.
  • Obi-Wan showing emotions and not just this heartbroken melancholy of episode 1 - and of course, seeing him again excelling in using the force after shutting himself off for so long.
  • the whole final 5 minutes: Leia, Bail, Breha, Luke, Owen... and of course, Qui-Gon finally making an appearance, now that Obi-Wan's ready. Loved this, my old battered SW-heart is singing.
  • the score: Obi-Wan vs Imperial march with a little of Princess Leia's theme... *sigh

the not so good:
* the whole Third Sister attacking Luke part seemed contrived... and it shamefully distracted from Obi-Wan fighting Vader... and of course, suddenly she's qualms about killing a child.
* again: Obi-Wan not killing Vader. Now that he's reconciled (at least for himself) that Vader "killed" Anakin, wouldn't it make sense to kill a Sith? Wasn't that sort of a major point in the Jedi involvement in the Clone Wars?
* Vader still being singlemindedly stupid, obsessed and self-absorbed: Why not take his own ship to follow Obi-Wan and send the Inquistor after the refugees? And we're meant to believe he really stopped looking for 10 more years?
* And let's just forget the fact that Obi-Wan apparently had a hyper-space capable ship ready inside the rebel-ship with a defect hyperdrive... and he doesn't take it and get Leia to safety right in the beginning?

Overall, though, a satisfying journey.

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