The “Who Shot Paul Young?” mystery begins. After all he’s done, it’s frustrating to see that he managed to survive that shot. But this new planted doubt is interesting and allows his arc to continue walking in different ways. Like now that he found out that Beth is Felicia Tillman’s daughter. I die with that expression on his face when the cops leave the room – and even more with the face of that investigator when Paul says that “with love and prayer”, he managed to solve his problems with Felicia. I don’t think he’s going to believe that Beth was the one who did the shooting, even though she has a gun in the house. She didn’t have time. But that she is involved, he will have no doubt – even if she is not... The rule is clear: everyone is a suspect! Everyone had a motive, and I love the opening sequence with the interrogations of Lynette, Lee and Bree. Even Mike briefly entered the game, even though he was far away. But if it wasn’t by order of Felicia, then who?

I think Juanita’s therapist was very wrong in her request to the Solis. Erasing Grace’s existence from their lives may solve the girl’s problem (and I wouldn’t even say that, I think the most appropriate thing is to “delay” or “contain”, because what is happening is an irreversible reality), but it won’t solve Gaby’s problem. I don’t think any mother would be able to get on with life knowing that she has a daughter in the world and she hasn’t heard from her, she can’t even have a picture of her, nothing. Maternity is not erased. Maternal love is unquestionable and immeasurable. Carlos is being unfair and brutal (typical of him), although I understand his frustration, as much as he is being unnecessary. After all, Juanita is also their daughter regardless of biology and she is suffering now because Gaby was, yes, careless. Before discovering the truth, Juanita already felt that Gaby loved Grace more than she did and had already vented. This is very complicated to analyze and solve, and this solution given by the therapist was not the best. All the characters in this arc have intense feelings and are quite conflicted. Gaby has even resorted to a doll to represent Grace, that’s pretty serious. I think everyone needs to go through therapy, not just Juanita.

Eleven episodes and Susan has already suffered this season, which she hasn’t suffered in the previous six. Wow, what a heavy journey. She’s in debt. She gave up the house. She came very close to working in pornography. She was fired from the school. She was humiliated. And now she has this serious health problem. I can’t even describe how hard it was to see this scene, with her telling the nurse that she needed to take MJ to the cafeteria because he was afraid of losing her, only to end up passing out in that horrible way in the middle of the hallway, suffering that seizure , and in front of the boy. The chill is real when he looks back and yells for his mother. Then she asking the girls not to forsake Mike and MJ in case something happens. How to deal with something like that, man? Susan didn’t deserve to be going through any of this here. I hope she gets a kidney donor soon.

Nice of Susan realizing that Tom and Renee’s secret wasn’t hers to share. But encouraging Renee to do so. And I found the moment of this revelation very intense. I’m struck by Lynette’s reaction to hearing Renee’s words – as always Felicity Huffman rocking it. It’s no use saying that they were separated for a week, because it’s still a betrayal... Renee needs to overcome any feelings she still has (or thinks she has) for Tom, since she even omitted that part. And Lynette deciding to hide what she knows to get revenge. I died with her giving Tom coffee saying it was warm, and he was burning himself.

Orson Hodge will never stop being a ready-made joke. He’s so hypocritical. He came out of that way of Bree’s life, as if she was one of the worst monsters on the face of the earth - even after ALL he did, he was the one who ended the marriage. So now he comes back like this? Wanting her to play the role of wife again? Worse than that was him thinking he was better than Keith for being more “cult”, elegant, full of etiquette. Bree really changed and I LOVED SO MUCH the moment she ran after Keith and threw herself with him in the dung. Bree has no limitations now, she’s freer with him and that’s beautiful. Orson must have touched himself by now, I hope he gets out. BTW: the food fight at the table is so fun, at least for this fun scene Orson was good for something!

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