So sad what happened to Dick. I am very touched when Susan goes all excited to the hospital to say that she is really lucky and finds out that he didn’t make it. Then she’s crying for winning straight at the poker game with the chip he left her. I love the question she asks about some people being luckier than others. And I think it’s ok for her to keep reflecting that, she’s in this tide of good things now, after she’s been through a lot of bad times, and a person like Dick who needed a little light, didn’t have it. But as Roy also said, it’s not good to ask yourself “why me?”. It’s disturbing. Anyway, I’m very happy that Susan is reacting very well to the transplant. And now with that money she’s earned, it’s quite a bonus for the remaining debts. All she needs to do is get back to Wisteria Lane, and everything will be complete.

I really admire Andrew for deciding to tell Carlos the truth. And I understand that Bree still wants to protect him, since it’s a very sensitive subject and Carlos has always been a very rough man. I die with the cabin scene, Bree seeing the blood and the spade, and almost unconsciously throwing it all on the table. But the moments later were very tense. Well, I can’t say that I don’t understand Carlos’ hatred, because this is a very complex situation. He had an unconditional love for his mother and finding out that she died as a result of a hit-and-run caused by one of his neighbors must not be an easy task. I thought it was cool that he was able to forgive Andrew for that, but then he got back to being mean and very, very sexist.

If he wants to stop talking to Bree, let him stop, no one can force him and it’s not like they’re close. But banning Gaby from talking to her? Simply deciding that she shouldn’t talk to one of her oldest and best friends on Wisteria Lane anymore? Makes me laugh, Carlos. Maybe that’s asking too much, but can’t he put himself in her shoes? Bree was friends with them, but she’s Andrew’s mother. He does EVERYTHING for Juanita and Celia, including being very selfish and oblivious to Gaby’s feelings recently for Juanita. As a father, he can’t understand what Bree did? If it were the other way around, would he have reported his own daughter to the police? I think it weighs a lot. As I said before, I don’t take away his reason for being angry and for not wanting to be friends with Bree. But I think he has the ability to see himself in that situation, having children of his own, and I think it’s totally unnecessary for him to forbid Gaby and Bree’s friendship.

Lynette and Renee at the store: I loved it. If it hadn’t been for that disgusted, contemptuous look the saleslady gave them when she saw Lynn’s clothes, I would have thought it was unnecessary for Renee to order her to buy snacks at the cafe across the street. But... Anyway, I really loved Lynette experiencing the upper class and being blown away by it. Ten thousand dollars to spend as you please! And I also loved the surprise she prepared for Tom at home, and then on the plane. Too bad it didn’t come to anything. She insisted so much on him taking this new job because of the money, but she didn’t measure consequences, right? As Renee said, “that’s the price.” I don’t want things between them to fray now because of the inevitable separation they’re going to suffer. She must be very sorry she put pressure on it...

Paul’s mockery showing two fingers as reasons not to trust Felicia. I loved this plot. Felicia was pretty daring too, moving into Katherine’s old house (even this one, Paul bought) and trying to force a “time out” between them, and this war that’s been going on for years. The scene in front of the lake was wonderful, with her pointing the gun, explaining that she could kill him and that she could get out of jail claiming self-defense. Just to throw the gun in the lake and try to move him with a false “forgiveness”. Gosh, she did all that and not even the ashes inside the urn were real. But Paul is no fool, he will never trust her. This will still pay off a lot. Seriously, I’ve really enjoyed this cat and mouse game between them since season 1. And I consider Felicia a flawless villain. She is annoying as hell, fulfills her role well.

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