“Sure do miss him” :joy: good one

I dont know why i thought Pike would stop being an asshole. Ruth need to give him some so he can take his head out his ass

Idk about trusting Javi, he might be so programmed by Wilfred

Zara would not see that child the minute its born, insane shes the most selfish person on that whole train and He’s an idiot for going back to her. She left your ass in the tail to look out for herself and now she probably fucked up your baby so she could have an advantage and be in Wilfred favor for her own benefit.

This is why society will always go to shit, theres always someone that wants a change and thing someone else should run the people.

Yesssss Mr Breakman!!!! Someone has balls, but of course someone going save him :man_facepalming_tone3: i hope he takes the turn back at this point and kill everyone.

As usual Leighton did nothing wrong and he has to come back to Zara with his tail between his legs, and why are you knocking on your own room door

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