Another solid episode and once again it had a lovely flow to it and fantastic pacing. This Masterpiece of a show doesn't have one bad episode at all and can do no wrong. Every episode is like a movie with a fantastic well written story to go with it, with our Michael front and centre as she should be.
I love Adira They are Awesome and I love the family They have with Them's Two Dads, it's so sweet and genuine and I choke up everytime They are all on Screen together.
Tilly was Awesome, sorry Number 1 was Awesome taking one for the Crew in the decision to attack the Emerald Chain to save
Michael,Book and the planet. This is why she is top choice after Michael to be Number 1. Suru made the right call. Another very Trek episode from
The very best Trek Show.
Excellent VFX as always and now we are firmly on the Emeralds radar.
But with how Super Awesome this Crew is
There is nothing we can't face and overcome together.

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