Juanita and Celia cleaning their mud-stained shoes on the stairs, and Bree surprised they found mud somewhere, it was funny! I don’t know how she didn’t go crazy with all this recklessness, so she’s so straight forward and her house is always spotless. Anyway, all I know is that I died laughing at the girls scared of Bree after hearing Carlos’ story. Juanita helping to make dinner, putting dishes on the table, refusing a cupcake to eat apple!!! And Bree thinking it was all her merit and her discipline scheme!

About Carlos: I reiterate what I said earlier. I’m really tired of it all. I think it’s ridiculous for him to forgive Andrew, who was behind the wheel, and not be able to forgive a mother who is capable of anything to protect her children. Even with Gaby stating the obvious, that they would both do the SAME THING for Juanita and Celia, he still doesn’t give up. It was pathetic him telling this story to Juanita, and honestly? It makes us even more angry for remembering that Juanita did NOT die as a result of the hit-and-run. That’s what put her in the hospital and left her in a coma for months, but she woke up just fine and died after suffering a violent fall down the stairs. Gaby and Carlos even received compensation from the hospital, a lot of money, so they wouldn’t file a lawsuit against them, because they were negligent. Carlos is fully aware that the cause of death was a negligence fall, and he accepted the bribe from the hospital. It doesn’t make any sense to take responsibility away from Andrew, but to act as if she had to report him at the time. Either forgive them both, or forgive no one and let Gaby make her own choices. End of story!

Chuck Vance is pretty cute, huh? And he got all interested in Bree. But it’s amazing that she’s never really alone in this series. If she’s going to get involved, I hope he’s at least a good person, right?

Lynette and Tom both have their difficult moments... Tom’s fault is being very immature and often being unfair accusing Lynette of “castrating” him. And her flaw is wanting to have control of ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. Seriously, it was irritating to see her acting that way in the episode, totally dismissing Tom’s request as she didn’t think he would like it, because she knows him. I honestly loved it when she walked into the office and saw that Renee had secretly redecorated everything. Tom is a client, he didn’t hire Lynette as a wife but as a professional, as a designer. And he made a request that MUST be heeded. But what’s worse is that there is increasingly a chasm between them and all because of this new job that she so encouraged him to take. I’ve always admired this couple a lot (more than any other in the series) because of their complicity, because even in the midst of many problems and disagreements, they still manage to come to an agreement and make things work. Now they are moving away from it.

Susan discovering that Felicia regularly visits Paul’s house, and that she is Beth’s mother!!! It was priceless, one of the best scenes of the episode by far. Her reactions were so funny. And Felicia is a natural manipulator, as she was able to win Susan’s empathy with ease - or maybe Susan is too vulnerable because she always sees the good in people, or believes that there is such a side. I loved the edit of scenes showing Felicia poisoning ALL the foods that Susan prepared. And I died with her seeing herself forced to eat the brownie and then throwing up in her bag. I will always defend this character as a villain. Comical, and sadistic. I like her.

I didn’t understand Paul’s reaction. The house belongs to Susan, she had to move because of money and now she is in a much more stable financial condition. Besides, he owns at least five more houses on Wisteria Lane – including the old house where he lived with Mary Alice. I didn’t see any malice in her saying he could move out, as that particular house brings back too many memories of Beth. I don’t see how he saw everything she did as theater to get something rightfully hers back. It was strong of him to throw Susan out like that, and all she’d done so far was help him. And his fainting afterward, Felicia’s poison already taking effect. When this is investigated, he will find that Susan was poisoning him, as he only ate what she brought. Felicia was very smart about it.

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