Review by DAVY X

Absolutely superb once again this Masterpiece of a show delivers another amazing season and
one Hella of a season finale.
This was an absolute Blast and
a thrill a minute.
Michael was phenomenal and I absolutely love her and once again my Girl saves the ship,crew,Federation and the Galaxy because she's Awesome and a frickin Badass and Oysaar never stood a chance. The vfx in this episode were off the charts but they are every single episode, you can tell that 1 million dollars an episode is money well spent because the visuals each episode are Epic and Breathtaking.
I loved the way that guy looked at Suru when he realised he looked the same, choked me up that.
I knew Paul was going to be a douchebag and a complete tool towards Michael and hold a grudge,
just when I was starting to like him, but he can go fcuk himself with those dirty looks he was giving her and you could just see what he was thinking.
Even Huge was cool and smiling but oh no not Paul the little bitch. If Oysaar would have got Paul the one component to the Spore Drive she would have destroyed the Federation and then the rest of the Galaxy. I said it when Tilly lost the ship on her first command,
Get Paul off that ship and as far from that
Spore Drive as possible,
At all cost. I'm just glad
Michael and the Admiral totally agreed. Paul needs to get over it and put his junk in the trunk, he could have been the main reason the entire known Galaxy
got enslaved if it wasn't for Michael.
Fantastic the Sphere data helped get the ship back and save the crew by transferring to the 23s.
They kept Osyaar's goons busy which allowed Michael to save the day,
This Show is super frickin awesome amazing and the best Trek ever made and I'm so excited for
season 4.
With Book able to operate the Spore Drive, ha screw you Paul, not as unique as you like everyone to belive.
And Finally the most important
Captain Michael Burnham
now that has a very nice ring to it
and it's about damn time.
I've waited a very very long time for this and
she so deserves it and more.
I hope it's all about her next season because she is star trek discovery and star trek discovery is her.
And now she's
The Captain well the possibilities are endless.
(I love it)

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