Susan all gleeful to be back on Wisteria Lane, wanting to escape the moving boxes to find her friends, and all of them slamming the door in her face! PRICELESS. I laugh a lot at her expressions whenever a door was closed, she was dying to tell about what happened in the confrontation between Felicia and Paul. Anyway, I’m really happy that she’s finally able to come home, after a whole season with her life turned upside down by financial problems, health problems and finally, incriminations. I really loved the girls organizing themselves to have a welcome dinner, nice idea of each meal being served in one of the houses. And finally, Susan’s speech about the importance of friendship was wonderful.

It’s so strange to see the Scavo marriage falling apart like this. Because they have always supported each other before (even in the midst of disagreements), this giant rupture between them is sad, because there is a discouragement and unwillingness to fix things. Let’s face it, it didn’t take much effort from both of them, during the trip they couldn’t be alone, they commented that on the way back, they didn’t exchange a word... And it was very difficult to hear Lynette admit that she didn’t despair when she realized that Tom was gone, but that she felt relief. Dude... The size of the chasm between them widens even further. And to think that it all started because of this job that Tom didn’t even want to take. Tom changed his stance, became more materialistic. Anyway... I didn’t want that to happen (my reaction is the same as Renee’s), but the way it is, there was really no way to keep this strange, heavy atmosphere inside the house. It’s just to see how things turn out for the two of them now...

I have fun with Bree thinking that spending a lot of money at Doreen’s store would make her happy and ready to sign a divorce, and I loved that look with the “exotic” clothes for Fairview. She could have come up with a better and more convincing excuse when she accidentally said the woman’s name, too... Anyway, Chuck finally put that bullshit about saving himself for sex aside! Who cares if Doreen would be pissed? Who cheated when marriage vows were supposed to be respected, was she, right? I was breathless when Chuck came home all sweaty. In addition to being beautiful, he has such a body! I don’t judge Bree for barely being able to contain herself!! And I die with her letting the food burn because she was having sex. For the first time in history, she allowed such a thing to happen! She was too distracted by his body... Who wouldn’t be?!

Gaby was brave, deciding to take Alejandro to the woods to confront him. And he was very quiet, afraid of the gun, right? damn pig. The guy is so bad-tempered, so bad, that he decided to go back to Wisteria Lane to take advantage of her AGAIN. Seriously, I don’t even have the words to describe how disgusted I am when he says that Gaby was a “little bitch” at 15 for wearing miniskirts and blouses. That he felt like laughing when she told him she was a virgin. And worse: that she liked what he did. FUCK, what a human dump. Carlos heard all that, he arrived just in time. Imagine if he hadn’t arrived, what would the worm have done to Gaby?

Alejandro got what he deserved. But it’s just too frustrating to know what this death might mean for Gaby and Carlos, given that he was a man who had done a lot of harm to her and was willing to do it again. The girls arriving on time and Bree taking the lead, deciding they were going to hide everything… Look at the level of complicity these women have, man. Other than that it gives an interesting idea for the final season. The series started with the girls together trying to discover Mary Alice’s secret - and in the following seasons, some of them ended up getting directly involved in the mystery plot, so this search for the truth on their part always existed. Now, they are at the center of the “mystery”, with a hairy secret to cover up. The four housewives directly involved in a crime, and for the first time we are going to follow this process to hide something...

I have to say: what an irony with Carlos. He spent the last few episodes hating Bree for covering up for Andrew. He didn’t call her by her name. And now she’s also decided to protect him. It was nice to see him holding her hand in the last scene. It was unusual for forgiveness to come like this, but it is valid anyway.

I love this season and I will protect it. I love Renee, I think her inclusion is wonderful, a character that works in comic strips and works with each of the girls - in this episode she was PRICELESS feeling that anger over Doug’s marriage, I died laughing with her performance on the piano.

I can’t believe we’re already heading into the final season.

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