Carlos’ expression in bed after having “failed” was funny. And I found Gaby quite amusing trying to spice things up for both of them by hiring a stripper. I laughed too hard with her falling off the pole, and then the shock that Carlos got when he saw who was rolling around on his lap. Gaby asking the woman to kiss her when he got nervous was priceless. But anyway, this situation of Carlos is sad. He knows he saved Gaby, that she was about to be abused, that Alejandro was a trash human being, but a life still and no one has the right to interrupt it. For those who are good at heart, as we know he is, it is a greater burden and besides, he didn’t even have that intention. He didn’t hit Alejandro on the head to kill, so much so that he was very shocked when he saw that he had no pulse...

It’s shocking how Susan is judged for everything she does. She’s freaked out, and there’s a huge reason for that. What I said about Carlos above applies to her as well. She didn’t hit Alejandro, but she covered it up, she knows that a person died and that she has a part in it in some way. It’s not easy for anyone to deal with something like that... And I don’t even think her arc in this episode is bad, I think it’s funny that she’s trying to find ways to be punished. I laugh with her eating all those cookies and the attendant giving that “thank god” thing. But the best was with the policeman, the guy all peace and love, he didn’t even care about her ripping up his photo and throwing the pieces on the street (she was very reckless). She had to push his bike to get arrested. And it was a surprise that she called Carlos. But really among them all, he’s the only one who’s wallowing in guilt like her...

Tom was absurdly unbearable in this episode. And the most ironic thing about this arc is that in the past, they’ve had this SAME discussion, about Lynette always becoming the “bitch” for her kids, the person who says “no”, the one who stops the fun, and he’s the most liberal. At the time, he even assumed that he likes people to like him, so he’s always the “good cop”... So it was pathetic that he turned his back on Lynette at first, saying that now he doesn’t have to stand there listening to her anymore. And especially when he got his mouth full to blame her for Parker’s drinking at the party. Oh, for God’s sake, right? I understand what he said shortly after as justification, the fact that he is far away complicates the matter of being stricter. Except that a father is a father and the responsibility for Parker, Penny and Paige belongs to both of them, it’s not just Lynette’s. Just because he’s out of the house doesn’t mean he can’t have a voice over his kids anymore.

BTW: Lynette drinking beer upside down to prove she’s not a cop was funny.

I could feel, through Marcia Cross’s FLAWLESS performance, Bree’s despair, fear and anguish in the opening scene, right after reading the letter. She was restless talking to Karen and then when she sat down, with that expression, for fear that her fate would be the same as Mary Alice. Man... That was strong. Well, this thing is really weird, because the letter is certainly about what the girls did, but I can’t understand why Bree was the only one to be threatened like this, since she wasn’t even the one who gave Alejandro the fatal blow . Paul mentioning the letter to Chuck must have been just a coincidence, as it would be too obvious that he was the author – especially considering we’re only at the beginning of the season.

Gaby let me down with the words she used when Bree showed her the letter. It’s absurd that she would prefer that Bree had hidden the letter to deal with this alone, it seems like she doesn’t remember what happened to Mary Alice and how things could have been different if she had been honest. But I liked that both decided to omit Susan and Lynette, because of the inconvenience they are already going through.

Finally, Renee trying to please Ben was too good! I laugh so hard at the show she puts on with Karen to make him think she likes old people. And in the end he was really teasing her when he took her to serve food at the community center. Anyway, it was fun!

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