10 minutes into the episode

"Oh, I guess this is just going to be a standard, easy-to-digest bottle episode that shows Topa becoming more interested in joining the Planetary Union with a B-plot about her awkwardly crushing on Gordon."

45 minutes into the episode

"Fuuuuuck meeeee..."

More blatant retreading of past episodes and, again, despite that, a brilliant continuation of those plot threads. For an episode that was willing to depict child torture, it sure did end on a high note. And it threw quite a few curve balls in the process.

I ignored the throwaway line during the Haveena dinner, and the unusual meetup in the Lounge, because I absolutely did not expect to see a real spark between Bortus and Kelly. I equally did not expect to see Klyden come back and make a complete about-face from his previous position. There are going to be a lot of viewers that won't take Klyden back, but I am genuinely relieved that the family is whole again. So... (pregnant pause) ...what does that mean for Kelly? The dinner they all had on the ship felt straight-forward, but still gave me a twinge of impending trouble.

I don't quite get Gordon's involvement with Topa yet. I mean, I understand the general sentiment, but not how he suddenly took a frontline position about it. Did I tune out at the wrong time, or was the Engineering scene really meant to be all the backstory? Are they going to continue this in another episode? We don't even know the repercussions of his outburst in front of the Admirals.

Finally, DOLLY PARTON! Her appearance embiggened my heart. And her music was perfect. The celebrity cameos never dissapoint, even if it's just for a few moments. Though it is interesting that she referred to herself as a program, she knew she wasn't the real person. That would be a serious problem in a different altruistic universe.

  • That canyon shootout felt so Abrams Trek. Some kind of special, explody treat for the viewers. Conversely, the hallway (catacomb) shootout felt very well choreographed and believable.
  • President Blue Boy is back, but I have doubts that it was Bruce this time... unless he swallowed a frog.
  • All of these episodes were finished story-wise before they began airing, but as if in response to fan criticism Ed (and a few others) finally call the Moclans "on their bullshit." You want to leave? Good, be sure to let the door hit you on the way out! The Union will be weaker, but the Moclans will be way weaker than that all on their own. 50 bucks says The Union has to rescue their sorry asses before the season ends.

This is it! These last two episodes are not a two-parter, but they are no doubt going to segue from one to the other as the finale of the season. If an underdog deserves to get renewed, it's The Orville. Seth is no stranger to having his shows canceled (sometimes over and over again). So even if it isn't renewed right away, I trust him of all people to find a way to make it come back somehow.

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President Blue Boy is back, but I have doubts that it was Bruce this time... unless he swallowed a frog.

Pretty sure that was him. I'm watching Babylon 5 at the moment and it was his voice. I think the make-up makes it harder to talk.

Agree with your comment all the way especially concerning the Moclans. They probably never thought they'd be thrown out but I love it.
