Does Tom not realize how inconsistent and pathetic he is being with Lynette? In her place I wouldn’t even have gone to that therapy session after finding out he’s been seeing someone else, because it only served to make her angry. First he says it’s “friendship” and that he took her to dinner twice. Then he says that he STILL hasn’t had sex with the woman, already making it clear that he intends to and that will happen at some point. Disgusting. “We haven’t been happy for a long time”, I’m not satisfied with that because the problems of both started recently and I think it’s RIDICULOUS that he treats his marriage as a last option. He basically says they should go out and date other people, and if that doesn’t work out, then they’ll go back to focusing on marriage. What is the point of therapy, then?

I really wish Lynette had gotten through with that charming little guy she’d met at the bar. Too bad it didn’t work out. But I admire her integrity, her steadfastness. And her conscience, as much as Tom doesn’t deserve it. I felt sorry for her feeling so bad she cried in front of the guy. Anyway, the sequence at the bar was good. The guy with the lit up tie was funny. And even more so when that friend of the twins recognized Lynette. It was very embarrassing!

It was so cool to see Bree going back to the golden days of when she ran a buffet and cooked for lots of people. I love seeing her passion and dedication towards cooking. But it was really frustrating to see the place filling up with well-to-do people who were just looking for a good and free meal, totally taking over the space of the needy. And Bree was so delighted with the success again that she didn’t even realize it. But I loved her kicking everyone out. And now, as if that weren’t enough, we have this giant twist for her... Wow, she defended Ben’s project, maybe she was crucial in approving it, only to find out that the place where he wants to build is precisely where they buried Alejandro. It will complicate her life and everyone else’s. We already know from the previous episode that he has already been reported missing, so an investigation is about to take shape. With a body, then... Things get even more damaging.

It’s not surprising that Carlos has turned to drinking to deal with what he’s feeling. Gaby is in on everything, but she doesn’t care and doesn’t feel the same way he does. Susan understands, but now there’s been an estrangement and Mike has asked him not to look for her anymore, since she’s been getting distracted by art classes. It gets hard. It’s unimaginable for me to carry someone’s death on my conscience and he keeps repressing those feelings, it only tends to get worse. I feel sorry for him... He needs treatment and even then, he needs to be cautious, since no one can find out that he is responsible for a murder.

Gaby got rough with the mothers. She kept women waiting for 45 minutes, didn’t hide that it was because of her vanity and then even threw in their faces that they were feeling jealous, and that they could “be her” for a day. I don’t think she’s ever been as futile throughout the series as she was in this episode. As much as this is the “Gaby way of being”, I understand now the frustration of the other mothers. And I’m always very touched when Carlos shows up drunk and they all feel sorry for the situation and decide to act with the preparations and such. Gaby just needs to show a more human side, so it generates empathy. The way she was, anyone would conclude that she is just a pit of futility.

Susan unable to control her laughter in front of the naked hot model!!! I LAUGH SO MUCH. And even more so when she arrived in class without clothes, and everyone was very well dressed! But I laughed because her reactions were funny, just because what Andre did was mean. There was no other way to “take revenge”? Did he have to humiliate her in front of everyone by allowing her to attend class naked? I think that in her place I would never go back there. First because of the shame and second because there is no way to give confidence to a man who does something like that.

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