God, what a bitter character this Andre Zeller is, man. One weekend every 30 days is the time he spends with his son, with his blood, and yet he finds a way to keep him away. But the worst thing for me was the way he treats the boy when they’re really together. I was heartbroken when the kid said that Halloween and costumes were “child” stuff, and he is one! Jasper’s crime is being a child, for Andre... Damn. It’s a good thing Susan spoke some truths at their meeting and he SEEMS to have been moved a little. Apart from that this internship thing was really absurd, she was very cold-blooded to accept this kind of abuse disguised as an “internship”. Spare me, Andre! BTW: how adorable is MJ as a robot and Susan embodying character as well. I love strong!

Lynette was so accurate in having a stylist make Penny’s costume, and I laughed out loud at the end result, an absolutely provocative outfit! But she was beautiful anyway. About Jane: I always think she starts off wrong with this whole offering to do the costume thing, as she says she knows how difficult a breakup is – meaning that Lynette could be bothered by it. And I get really frustrated with their dialogue at the very end, after Lynette asks her to leave. Jane exposing that she “won’t give up on Tom”, illustrating then that the relationship there is really serious. And the thing about Lynette “always looking for a fight”, which Tom mentioned to her. My anger at him only grows more. It’s pathetic that he’s making comments about his wife to another woman and even more pathetic to see the seriousness of this relationship with Jane. As I said before, why go to therapy then, if the woman he found has already declared war saying that she won’t give up having him? Fucking joke! Also, it all went really fast. Tom barely left the house and already got another one. Where’s his feeling for Lynette? Where’s that desire he showed to have to get back together there in the first episode of this season?

Renee had the funniest plot of the episode. Her impatience picking up the candy and throwing it on the floor when the kids showed up at Ben’s house was hilarious. But the best thing was the allergic reaction and all the kids running in fear when Ben went to take her to the car. I had a hard time laughing! The moment in the hospital was pretty sweet, with both of them admitting they like each other. Aww, I hope it works out.

The scene of Carlos seeing Alejandro in that boy’s fantasy was creepy – just like the nightmare Lynette had in 8x01, with the dead man climbing the stairs from her house to her room. It’s sad to see that Carlos isn’t getting help at all. At the AA meeting he freaked out about having to open up. And now he’s seeing things! He’ll keep repressing those feelings in his drink and it’s only going to get worse. I feel so sorry for him in this plot.

Gaby and Bree team up to kidnap frogs is one of the sequels I love the most this season. I think it’s very funny that Bree is all dressed up for an adventure, an outfit absolutely suitable for the occasion. Gaby in the usual Gaby style and her outbursts when she saw the frogs. That part in the car was amazing, her freaking out with the frog in her arm, Bree screaming when all the other frogs ran away! It was awesome! Too bad it was all in vain...

In fact, it was absolutely ALL in vain. The opening (and final) act is too tense... The girls running from the man through the forest. Lynette even fell. A precise, urgent direction, in the right dark tone. And in the end, the discovery that someone had already moved and dug up the body. Damn, what a huge problem! After all, who dug it up? And where did that person take the body?

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