Chuck is so abusive. He’s harassing Bree and that’s certainly illegal, he’s approaching her, threatening, coercing. Aside from the opening scene, where he broke into her house. It’s obvious it was him, he made a noise downstairs to scare her and pretended he “was nearby” when he heard the radio call. And Bree can’t do anything against that motherfucker just because he’s a cop. She doesn’t deserve this, and to think that he’s just being pathetic like that for being dumped by her. This man is despicable. Bree was so amazing when she declared her love for the girls, stating that she would do anything for them, and that she protects them. It’s just a shame: she said the girls would never do something they’re doing now.

As I said in the last episode, Susan’s decision is one of the dumbest in the world! I can understand her need to vent, she put that weight out in art for having buried a man, for having been part of a murder, etc. But damn, she could keep these paintings to herself! She vented, that’s it, it’s over... Taking it to class was ridiculous, just to get approval from this sour man who is Andre Zeller. Look at the trouble they’ve gotten themselves into now... Okay, it wasn’t with her consent, she made it very clear that she didn’t want them to be exposed, but she could have avoided it all. Anyway, I always find it funny how she behaves when she sees the paintings in the exhibition, trying to rip them off the wall and reaching for a glass of fake champagne to ruin everything.

Which brings us to the conflict between Susan, Gaby and Bree in the final sequence. Susan and Gaby are totally selfish and apathetic. Susan has no right to question Bree about hiding “more secrets”, because first: she made these paintings and didn’t say anything to anyone, apart from that she complicated a lot for them. And second, Bree tried to talk to her about Chuck, and Susan decided to ignore her. As for Gaby, her reaction made no sense! It’s as if they want to hold Bree responsible for both the crime and everything that’s been going on since then. How is it that Gaby doesn’t understand an attempt at protection, when she and Bree agreed not to tell Susan and Lynette about the letter, and Susan about digging up the body? They’d decided to do this with the intention of protecting them, and now Bree did the same thing when she saw Carlos’ situation. And she, as an alcoholic, knows how exhausting it is. Lynette will definitely be angry too, and we know that Bree tried to talk to her and she pretended she wasn’t home... It’s ridiculous that they’re slamming doors in Bree’s face like that, like she’s a monster.. .

Gaby trying to save the deal that Carlos’ company has with the millionaire client, using seduction, it was funny. And I laugh so hard with this little hired guy playing a friend, saying he feels and considers Carlos as if he were a father, and he was just trying to stick the knife in the back. I think this twist is really cool when the customer finds out that Carlos is having a drinking problem. At first you think he’s going to leave the company, tear up the contract, and in the end he goes and gives Carlos this giant incentive to get treated, because he knows how addiction is and what it can do. I hope Carlos heeds this advice and recognizes at once that he has a problem. He needs to take the first step to recover and it needs to be soon.

This Lynette and Tom plot gets on my nerves! First for Tom, I’m tired of repeating how incoherent and obnoxious he’s been this season, reaching disgusting levels and without making an effort. I still don’t understand how he had the courage to embark on a relationship with another woman AS SOON AS HE LEFT HOME, and already be in all this love, taking into account that in 8x01 he wanted to go home despite the problems, he was willing to work seriously to sort out what was keeping him and his wife so far apart. So, it’s an absurd transformation from that episode to now. I felt VERY sorry for Lynette in that bedroom scene, it was a humiliation for him to assume that the flowers were sent “by mistake”, because of his permanent order at the florist, and stating that he would cancel everything first thing in the morning. She got all dressed up (she was beautiful, I loved her hair), she was all excited just to take a cold shower from him. Tom doesn’t deserve what she feels, doesn’t deserve her to be sad for him, doesn’t deserve any of this. Lynette deserves better.

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