coming to Stargate as a trekkie i nearly died from how many times this episode violates the prime directive. really hard to keep watching considering the writers never thought that any of things going on here are problematic for a space exploring race

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@ac_church the concept of "problematic" wasn't the disingenuous lens in 1997 that it is today.

@dogg724 Trek had the concept of prime directive in place since the woke days of checks notes 1960s.

@ac_church I have no idea what you're speaking to. I didn't mention the prime directive. I also am aware of it being a thing since Star Trek's inception. I have no clue how any of that is relevant to Stargate, nor what I said about the concept of "problematic" and the connotative weight it tries to carry today. It's entirely possible I read/heard the wrong version of problematic and we're talking way past each other.

@dogg724 my initial review was about the prime directive. It's relevant because Trek is a landmark sci-fi show that influenced pretty much every series in the genre that came after, and Stargate is heavily modeled on it. The prime directive was one of the smartest and most innovative concepts that Trek introduced, and it continues to give depth, realism, and enduring interest to the space exploration portions of Trek shows to this day.

Which is why for me it was so jarring to see Stargate's ignorant, gun-toting, xenophobic version of space exploration so many years after Trek introduced the prime directive. Just shows a lack of understanding or interest in more in-depth concepts from the writers, and I like my sci-fi a lot smarter than this.

@ac_church I definitely read you incorrectly and that longer explanation makes things clearer. Thank you and my bad. I agree.
