We followed Julie’s growth from Season 1 to Season 4. Since she was a child, around 12 years old... And now she’s carrying a baby! It’s a surprise that she just turns up pregnant, with this bomb in Susan’s face, and even more so with that decision.

The dinner scene was good, I laughed so hard at the couple’s reactions to hearing Susan’s lies about Julie’s psychopathy and madness. Lighting a lighter and letting her hand over it without crying, having a lot of tattoos done in jail. It was funny, but she was really out of place. I understand their point of view. I understand Susan can’t accept this decision to give the baby up for adoption, because whether or not the child has her blood, it’s her first granddaughter. And she is able to raise the girl, she has already shown her will. On the other hand, Julie is already an adult, she can make her own decisions and must be respected. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for her and how complicated it will be for both of them... The argument scene always moves me a lot, it’s very heavy, strong... Susan has a different, beautiful, “perfect” image. , from her daughter’s childhood, totally different from how Julie sees it - and she had already opened it up once in one of the previous seasons. And I do feel sorry for Susan, but she really did stir up Julie’s temper.

What an embarrassing situation with Frank! Poor Lynette, dying of embarrassment for crying during sex. And I got really frustrated with that, because Tom doesn’t deserve her feeling guilty like that. He left the house and in the same week he started going out with Jane, I’m sure he had no problem having sex with her. So Lynette didn’t deserve to feel this way. But Frank is cute! Both for giving her another chance after the fiasco of the first date, and for showing complete understanding of the time and space she needs to move forward. I thought it was really cute that he promoted a “spontaneous date”, he left Lynette speechless. It’s weird to see her with someone else after 8 seasons and 170 episodes, but it’s just a matter of habit - since the anger Tom has provoked in me this season is huge.

Gaby’s plot with Juanita was good too, I love when they give more space to the girl, it always yields good scenes. I thought it was cool Gaby making that card in Ryan’s name just to make her daughter happier, I didn’t see any malice in it. And the situation at school was embarrassing. The boy noticing Juanita’s stares and then him being attacked with KISSES. Gaby got defensive when the school principal mentioned that things are no longer the way they were in their childhood. And I LOVE that more mature dialogue that the two of them have at the very end. Juanita spoke a truth: Gaby ALWAYS lies to her and it’s time for it to stop. Great that she decided to open up about Carlos and decide to take Juanita to visit him. Too bad they always forget Celia, she didn’t appear in any scene in this episode.

“She’s not our problem anymore, after the way she treated us.” The hatred I have of this hypocrisy and inconsistency. If they were fair, if they were really going to fight, Lynette should be mad at Gaby too – since her reason was the omission of the letter Bree received. And Susan must have been angry with the three of them – since she was also pissed that they had gone to the site of Alejandro’s body to dig it up without saying anything. Gaby shouldn’t be mad at ANYONE. All of them are unfounded, but Gaby is the height of hypocrisy, because she has NO reason. Apart from that EVERYONE should be mad at Susan for the slips she made, especially with the paintings. BUT THEY ARE NOT! They just decided to channel all that frustration on Bree, for nothing!

So I slowly applaud everything Bree said to them in the final moments. Even drunk and staggering, she put all her feelings out and made this one of the most moving and memorable scenes in Desperate Housewives for me. She just spoke facts! Their behavior did give the impression that they were Bree’s friends, and that they had her as a leader in whatever it was, when it was convenient. A little problem arose, they decided to turn their backs as if she were a monster and guilty of everything alone. “When I tried to apologize, you slammed the door in my face.” FATALITY Bree didn’t do anything to have to apologize. On the contrary... I love all these characters from the bottom of my heart. But I can’t deny the anger I feel for all this hypocrisy...

At least, it seems that now Bree has given a “wake up” to life, as she refused to drink more at the bar and was repulsed by the man who was hitting on her. It was way too tense the guy trying to attack her in the parking lot, trying to hit her and force her into his car. Lucky that Orson showed up on time and even taught the disgusting one a lesson! It’s no secret that I don’t like this character, and I’d rather he never come back. I don’t want him with Bree. But maybe, he will be of some help to her at this time when she is so alone. And let it be just that and he leaves as soon as possible.

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