Shout by Damien Peden

Bullet Train 2022

To be honest I found myself bored in this movie multiple times. There are so many characters that come and go and you don't realise until later when you're trying to work out where they went and why did they create such a story around them. The movie is of course filled with profanity and gore as the rating suggests, but I must say that at the end of it all, the way they tie in all the little stories was amazingly done and there were still plenty of surprises to be had. I also feel that they wrapped the story up quite well (make sure to stay through the animated credits for some finishing remarks). Overall, better than average but not much better than a 6.

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@gansqa That's weird, I wasn't bored once. The pacing is very fast, and the movie keeps throwing fun new sequences in your face. Maybe this one just wasn't for you.
