Porter Scavo, who eats frozen waffles, is the father of Julie’s baby. This is an even bigger surprise than her pregnancy, precisely because it is more unusual. Who knew that one day, Julie would hook up with one of the Scavo twins? Even more so because we saw them as little children, Julie was already a young lady. It’s weird, but I thought it was a good creative idea to rock this plot a little more.

For me, Susan’s biggest mistake was in the last episode, when she scared the couple away. It was unethical. But I can’t judge her by that familiar instinct. It’s very easy to understand this desire to keep the child: it’s her blood, she’s her first granddaughter. And she is able and willing to take care of her. Imagine how difficult it must be for someone to know that there is a person as closely related as this, in the world, without having the chance to follow their growth, none of that? So I understand her. And I also understand Julie’s side, when she says that “she made a decision and it was taken away from her”, which is one of the WORST things in the world. And also when she said that it will be very difficult when she visits her mother’s house and the girl is there, for example. Really complicated...

As for Porter, I didn’t see Susan’s mistake. She made a comment to Lynette and he just listened. Julie hiding her pregnancy makes no sense, because her belly is visible and she leaves the house all the time, at some point people would notice, right? And Porter went back to live next door to her house. One day he would see and the decision would be the same: keep the baby. Since Julie decided to keep the pregnancy, he as a father also has rights... It’s simple. Anyway, we still had wonderful comic scenes, like Lynette’s reaction when she found out everything. It was awesome! She having a panic attack. And it was also very beautiful Porter admitting basically that he has no roots, but that he already feels a lot of love for the girl and that he already wants to meet her.

BTW, I laughed my ass off with Lynette slamming the flowers in the face of one of the twins and running to close the doors.

What the hell did Gaby do in this episode, huh? Once again, opening up her absurd selfishness. It’s ok for her to want some help dealing with the girls, it was never easy for her, and Juanita doesn’t seem to learn! But nothing justifies her boycotting the couple’s reconciliation when Karen went there to apologize and ask Roy to come back. I hope Gaby fixes this soon, as soon as possible. BTW: but it was funny Roy giving orders! I always remember the screams of that gardener from Season 5, when Carlos went back to work and the girls got naughty with Gaby.

Speaking of Karen: I can’t deal with this cancer discovery scene again. Before, it was already difficult, in the lungs. Now with brain metastasis... I’m even more sorry for the dialogue about Roy, where we finally understand her reason for kicking him out of the house. She’s just trying to spare him the pain of losing another wife to this damn disease. You can’t help but feel sorry for that.

It doesn’t surprise me that Ben screwed up more. The loan shark gave the money and said the payment should be weekly. Of course, any investment he made with that amount would not pay off in such a short time. It was pretty tense with him trying to fake an accident to access insurance money, and almost having a heart attack. But even more, it was Renee’s scene with the said loan shark at the end. This guy is so gross, making a thinly veiled threat about “knowing where she lives”, commenting on her having divorced a player, having a lot of money. Crap. She already paid what Ben owed, this guy should be gone for good.

And finally, we have this plot of Bree... Orson hits rock bottom once again in this series, as an extremely evil, cold, calculating man. It was ridiculous for him to stop the girls from talking to Bree, and even more so, that horrendous lie he told about them, about them saying horrible things, that Bree deserved what she was going through, etc. Girls wouldn’t be able to say something so low and cruel like that, but I can’t judge Bree for believing him, as she’s really been totally abandoned by them in these last few episodes.

Which brings us to the big reveal... Orson is the blackmailer and the murderer. Does he really believe he feels love for her? It’s an unhealthy obsession. Since he’d gotten the car, he’d been stalking her (even if from a distance), keeping an eye on her every step. He witnessed the entire concealment of Alejandro’s body and carried out psychological, emotional, monstrous blackmail. He killed Chuck and left Bree psychologically shaken again with that “you’re welcome” letter. And now he’s going to great lengths to keep her away from her friends. Does he call it love? Did anyone still believe there was something good in him? He’s Gloria Hodge’s son, the apple never falls far from the tree. Now we can only hope that Bree finds out his intentions soon before taking this trip. Who knows what his plans are.

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