Carlos had already shown this willingness to quit his job before. When he saw again and realized that there are more important things in life than those jobs that, in short, only serve to harm someone while the “owners of the world” get richer and richer. At that time he was boycotted by Gaby, and also because he didn’t have a decent plan of life – he talked about community work, but no one can live without an income. Now he doesn’t talk about it anymore, about doing things just for charity, and I don’t think it’s bad at all. If he thinks like that, if the work there is toxic for him, then he really has to leave. I think he and Gaby already have a very comfortable life, they’re rich, they must have a lot of money on their hands. You don’t have to keep splurging like Gaby does. In fact, this may be a great opportunity for her to seek financial independence too, to stop depending only on him. Would be good.

Anyway, in the midst of these discussions we still had some iconic moments. The secretary begging Gaby to make Carlos stop, because she “likes to party with Brazilian gentlemen”. The counter face was the best! And I can’t help but laugh at Gaby’s own reaction when Carlos says he was giving money from their personal account: her ripping the check and kicking the guy out was hilarious. BTW: yes, it was pretty reckless... Taking money from the family, high amounts like that, and now he has this “smaller” plan. Anyway, we’ll see what comes out of it.

Lynette threw a wonderful party for Penny. And I really loved her getting into all the pictures taken of her daughter with Jane. Always spontaneous. The argument they both have afterwards is always too frustrating for me. Jane got absurd satisfaction from telling her that she was moving into Tom’s apartment. But as always, my biggest anger is with him. He’s too pathetic! I wanted Lynette to throw it in his face that this “break up to see if others could make them happy” plan was just in his head, she NEVER agreed to it. He left the house at the beginning of the week, at the end of it he was already in romantic encounters. Three months later, he already wants to live together. It’s not long before they talk about marriage. Lynette really didn’t deserve to hear that from Jane inside her house, let alone deal with Tom’s indifference to their story. Those “I’m sorry” that he says are extremely irritating and don’t solve a damn thing.

So Lynette hesitated when Jane gasped. But luckily she didn’t allow the worst to happen. As much as I don’t care if Jane lives or dies, it would be awful for Lynette to carry it on her conscience for being negligent.

Karen’s situation is full of drama, but with a very attractive comedy tone. It’s sad to see her being serious about interrupting her own life, about dying on her own terms, in her own time. But it was really funny to see her try. Bree making the excuse that she can’t kill her for taking pilates class is one of my favorite moments in the episode. And above all, this whole pie situation. As much for the surprise that she had ingested a poisoned food, as for the later argument of the couple inside the car. Roy begging Karen not to decide to leave too soon, my heart can’t take it. And Bree having to drive herself to the ER. iconic queen. In fact, I died with the fact that she and Karen “never liked each other”. Karen decides such random things all of a sudden.

When the episode starts and Mary Alice shows with the narrations who can die, you automatically rule out Juanita and Bree, for obvious reasons. There’s Jane and Mike. And from the moment that Jane’s risky situation is shown and nothing bad happens... I still, 10 years later, am unhappy with Mike’s death and I can’t help myself when this scene starts. In fact, a beautiful “before the tragedy happens”, with the dialogue between him and Susan, exposing how important she is to him and how much he loves her. The plan for the next day. And suddenly, in a second, everything is interrupted like this... In the most unfair, cruel and cowardly way possible.

The editing of this sequence was exceptional and made it even more shocking and emotional. This collage of key scenes of Mike and Susan as a couple, then those frames of EVERYTHING they’ve been through together. His life, the most important moments, flashing before his eyes before he was fatally shot. And it’s very shocking... Him lying there, that amount of blood, Susan’s despair screaming at him in her lap. It’s too much for me. I always fall apart. And to think they even tried to get police help because of the imminent threat of this damn loan shark. Fuck. It’s very surreal to think that Mike doesn’t make it to the end of the series. It’s hard to deal with it...

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