Of the deaths we’ve had on the series (and there weren’t a few), this one for me is the most devastating. More than Edie Britt’s. For how long Mike has been on the show and for the unfair way he left. Murdered in front of his house, in the arms of the woman he loved, with a young son in need of him.

Susan always moves me in EVERY ONE of her scenes. Her shock on the couch when the reverend walks over. “The only thing I know is that nothing will ever be okay again.” The moment of reflection, with her remembering when they first entered the house after their wedding. “I love you once, I love you twice, I love you more than beans and rice”. For me, simply outstanding. And the speech she makes at the church ceremony, after remembering what heaven meant for him, is very beautiful, man. It’s very strong. I can’t handle it when she says “goodbye”. When Renee starts singing Amazing Grace. When they all say goodbye to Mike at the cemetery and Susan is left alone. And when she begins to realize what his absence will represent in the routine at home and all the girls provide support, they commit to helping her. The friendship!

I don’t even have anything to say about Mike other than that I really loved this character. I loved him with Susan. Even with the differences and problems. The back-and-forth. Disagreements, fights... But they always found a way to get back together. What happened to him was cruel, unfair, and hard to accept. And neither he nor Susan nor MJ deserved that. Mike deserved to live...

Mama Solis has always seen Gaby as a gold digger. And she was always very determined. There are some things I agree with her, but I think it’s beautiful to see Carlos determined to do anything to see Gaby smiling. I thought it was wonderful that this whole flashback made Gaby reflect on Carlos’ decision to leave that company. It was important for Mike to share Carlos’ fear of letting her down, of making her walk away. Finally, she decided to support him in doing what he wants, which makes him feel good. All that ambition to see him earning more and more money just for her to spend on random things was so futile. Now, as I said earlier, she can seek her financial independence.

Lynette moves me a lot by showing that she is absolutely devastated by this tragedy. Her stating, her voice breaking, that she will never see Mike walking out the front door again. Her flashbacks were great. The first one is funny because of their hair at the time and I love the second one, when Tom shows her the house and still shows that he paid full attention to the things she said on the FIRST date. He valued every word. Even she didn’t remember commenting on having a soft spot for “white picket fences” and he did it for her. I think it’s cool that she decides to fight for him now, after all this reflection. But I don’t know if Tom deserves that she keep going after him, because let’s face it: so far he hasn’t shown much empathy for her situation regarding marriage. But we’ll see...

Bree is the only one whose musings have nothing to do with Mike, but I like it anyway. I love seeing her when she was a little kid and it’s the first time her mother has appeared. And that “lesson” about the mask says A LOT about Bree. She never liked to publicly show any kind of emotion, she was always very closed off and now we know who she got that from. And it was just like what happened to her mother. She used this tactic so much with Rex that he eventually noticed and she had to switch to “favorite food”. Rex, by the way, was very insensitive. His mockery when she showed annoyance at her comment – really embarrassing and unnecessary, I believe not just for Bree, but for everyone present. Lucky for Rex he has a “charm” that keeps me from hating him too much. I never know how to explain why.

Orson’s plan worked. He really screwed with Bree and what’s worse is that these detectives are determined in this case by a personal matter that doesn’t even concern them. Chuck is dead still makes me angry! “She broke his heart.” Ok, I get it. But they’ve been together for two or three months, that’s not enough time to propose, let alone to think he owns a person. I so hate that ridiculous detective calling Bree a bitch. And I’m apprehensive about this evidence they got, Bree’s print being a match to the one found on the body… Fuck.

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