Shout by Nathan

Bullet Train 2022

Bullet Train is a fast paced action packed adventure filled with great laughs and brutal fight sequences. This film is incredibly self aware, and I say that as compliment. It has fun with itself, and manages some serious story points with humor in a pleasant way. The cast is stacked and delivers excellent performances with some fun surprise cameos along the way. With the story being so full, I felt that it was trying to do too much and be a bit too cleaver. There were times where I had to backpedal in my head to keep track of all the characters and how they connect. I did find that the movie dragged on a bit towards the end, I'm not sure if this story warranted the two hour runtime. There were some lines that were mixed poorly where is difficult for me to hear what the actors were saying. Although, that could have been due to the bass of the theatre speakers. Overall, Bullet Train is a fun time and worth a watch in theaters.

Score: 75%
Verdict: Good

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