Gaby’s plot was fun! I laughed so hard at her sales tactics and worse it worked. The customers were all delighted with her advances without realizing that it was to increase her commission. Nice. Good to see Gaby taking this step and succeeding. Both for the support she gave her husband for him to move on to another job, and in her determination to provide for the family, by her own decision, after so much time just spending money on futile things.

The situation in the restaurant, however, was rather embarrassing. The guy lifting Gaby off the ground in that hug, her ripping off her ring and hiding that Carlos was her husband, introducing him as a brother… I understood his frustration. But then he brought out his fragile masculinity and I could only roll my eyes. It happened to Tom and now to him too. I didn’t see any malice in Gaby asking the waiter to bring her the bill. She was excited to be doing something like this for the two of them for the first time in two decades. And I LOVED it when she threw in his face the countless times he asked her to wear cleavage, short clothes, etc etc, to be pampered by potential clients and so he could close the deal. We’ve seen this happen a few times. In the pilot, even. And also with Lynette, when she was pregnant and her breasts swelled. So, huh? Carlos was out of place feeling disgusted like this and feeling inferior. Let her fucking work and help. Did he not want to quit his job? So, done! And even if he hadn’t...

Bree is a goddess. She is so charming and classy, the first scene of the episode with her being arrested is amazing. She doesn’t lower her head and doesn’t let herself be shaken. And she was still worried about what she left in the oven even though she was taken on a murder charge. But the situation is pretty tense for her and all because of that son of a bitch Detective Murphy. Holy crap, what a despicable character. And corrupt, on top of that. Abuse of authority. It makes me sick when he writes Bree’s house number on that map just to frame her. He’s not sure about anything and wants to send her to jail on the grounds that “she broke Chuck’s heart”. Ah, go to hell! I ALWAYS get the impression that Murphy loved Chuck beyond friendship and that’s why he does these things. Anyway, luckily Trip was there at the station at the time and saw the distress on Bree’s face at the “emergence” of this new evidence. She didn’t understand anything when she saw the map. She doesn’t deserve to go through this.

And speaking of Alejandro’s plot, I’m really uncomfortable with Gaby’s attitude when Bree comes home after being released on bail. The girls willing to step up and take the blame and she gets defensive. I understand this need to protect Carlos, her husband, the girls’ father. But man... It’s murder! Bree is in danger of being sentenced to prison for life, if she doesn’t get a worse sentence, since she didn’t even kill the guy. I don’t like Gaby’s selfishness at this point. Lucky for her, Bree has always been a thoughtful woman, not even the money they want to give to help with lawyers, she wants to accept...

Rewatching episodes after a while makes you see some things differently. In this Lynette plot, for example. On the one hand, I still think it’s monstrous of Jane to take the divorce papers for Lynette to sign. This is none of her business. It was already complicated when she told him that she was going to live with Tom. Now take the papers... I thought it was a low game. On the other hand, I understood what she said to Tom when they argued. They are in this relationship that he made a point of rushing, he invited her to live together and they are doing it. And she harbored strong, real feelings for him. In the meantime, this sluggishness on Tom’s part... I mean, in the end it looks like he’s joking and Jane doesn’t deserve that. As mean as she’s been to this whole Lynette thing, it’s not like she’s a bad person who seduced or hooked up with him when they were both married. He went after her when he broke up “momentarily”. And I think I also understood that thing about putting her needs first. It wasn’t something like “you need to forget about Lynette”, because she’s mature and not hypocritical enough to believe that by signing a measly paper, they would walk away for good...

As for Lynette, I feel really sorry for her. I felt so sorry for this scene with the divorce papers, I thought it was little that she threw just a little of the dough she was going to bake on Jane, she should have given her a bath for her to understand her place. But it was even more frustrating for her to realize that Tom had actually signed the papers. As I said before, I want them together, I’ve always liked them as a couple. But Tom doesn’t deserve this effort, these tears. Anyway, Lynette doesn’t deserve to suffer for him. Because what he’s done to her this season has been absurd apathy and indifference... I die with her crying like that in the car. Poor Lynette!

Finally, I really like this plot of Susan finding out about Mike’s secret. At first, you can think it’s about a daughter, but it goes beyond that. And to think that Adele gave up a child for finding her “inconvenient”, and in the name of a husband who we know was not only violent, but later became a murderer and was arrested. What an example. Anyway, Mike was very brave to hide this for so many years, I believe it was not just a need to honor the request of his mother, who felt ashamed. But he himself felt that way about her. And Susan as always: angel on earth, deciding to keep depositing the checks and keeping Laura in her life, visiting her and such. I also liked how this arc led to Julie’s reflection and how she decided to change her mind about giving up her daughter. Her understanding that she would regret it a lot later and that the guilt would be too heavy to carry. I liked it.

It’s ending...

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