I watched it at 1.25x and yet it felt slow like the previous 2. It looks like theories about Marion was right.
Finally last episode is coming, hope it can redeem itself after 3 filling episodes.

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@tinod Who watches a series at 1.25x speed and thinks that can judge it? Especially one as incredibly rich in detail, subtext and amazingly nuanced performances as Better Call Saul. I mean... I'm at a loss.

@tinod I won't argue that the last episodes have been slower than usual but at this point in the story I'd think anyone would have realized BCS is not exactly fast paced

@thebillo yeah I followed the show from day 1 and I can't judge a boring episode that I need to accelerate to not falling asleep. I mean... I'm at loss.

@inspecthor I know but those episodes had a slow pace with tension. That didn't happen on last ones.
